Mashed Acorn Squash and Apples


Poor little acorn squash.  It just doesn’t hold a candle to its sleeker, yummier, cousin the butternut squash.   Last weekend I was chatting about this with some wonderful friends while we were away together in Vermont.

(I didn’t take this picture but I could have, this is what Vermont at this time of year actually looks like.  Unbelievable.)

This got me feeling sorry for the poor little Acorn Squash.  How, nessiebnyc, can we include these little looked over squash into our lives more?

This is the ticket.

This requires very little prep and lots of pay off and will be gobbled up by even the pickiest kids.

2 acorn squash – cut in half lengthwise and seeds and pulp removed



4 apples – any type will do – peeled, seeded, cored and chopped


olive oil

salt pepper

2 tbs. butter

3 tbs honey

t tbs. brown sugar


1/4 tsp cinnamon


Pre heat the oven to 450.  On a greased baking sheet salt and pepper the squash and place them cut side down.  Roast for an hour or until the squash are soft.  While the squash is roasting peel, core and chop the apples.  Toss  the apples with the cinnamon and sugar and place on a greased baking sheet.  Roast the apples for approximately 30 minutes or until soft.  Allow both the squash to cool enough to be able to peel and spoon the flesh into a large bowl, add the cooked apples and mash and stir to combine.





I like it chunky but you could use and immersion blender or food processor to make it very smooth.  In a small sauce pan heat the butter and honey until simmering.  Add a bit of the hot butter and honey mixture until you have the consistency and flavor you like.  Taste and adjust the salt and pepper as needed.



While I was enjoying the country life I could have been back here in NYC buying a Banksy.  Sigh.  I wouldn’t trade our weekend for anything but I’d love to have gotten some cool $$$$$ art on the cheap.

In case you don’t know who Banksy is (no one does by the way, he? keeps his identity a secret):

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